[23] Bhundiya H. G., Royer F., Cordero Z. C. (2022). Engineering framework for assessing materials and processes for in-space manufacturing. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. (Special issue on additive manufacturing for space applications)
[22] Ward A. A., Leonard D. N., Konig H. H., Lindwall G., Cordero Z. C. (2022). Ultrasonic additive manufacturing of nanocrystalline laminated composites. Journal of Materials Research. link
[21] Taylor S. V., Moustafa A. R., Cordero Z. C. (2021). Interpenetrating lattices with tailorable energy absorption in tension. Acta Materialia, 216, 117115. link
[20] Ward A. A., Hareland C. A., Palmerio N. E., Cordero Z. C. (2021). Thermally activated jamming in ultrasonic powder compaction. Advanced Engineering Materials, 23 (1), 2001019. link
[19] Carazzone J. R., Martin C. L., Cordero Z. C. (2020). Crack initiation, propagation, and arrest in sintering powder aggregates. Journal of the American Ceramics Society. link
[18] Ware L. G., Suzuki D. H., Cordero Z. C. (2020). Thermodynamic stability and kinematic accessibility of curved grain boundaries in directionally solidified bicrystals. Journal of Materials Science, 1-12. link
[17] Moustafa A. R., Durga A., Lindwall G., Cordero Z. C. (2020). Scheil ternary projection (STeP) diagrams for designing additively manufactured functionally graded metals. Additive Manufacturing 32, 101008. link
[16] Ward A. A., Cordero Z. C. (2020). Junction growth and interdiffusion during ultrasonic additive manufacturing of multi-material laminates. Scripta Materialia, 177, 101-105. link
[15] Poole L. L., Gonzales M., French M. R., Yarberry III W. A., Moustafa A. R., Cordero Z. C. (2019). Hypervelocity impact of PrintCast A356/316L composites. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 103407. (Invited for special issue on hypervelocity impact) link
[[14] Carazzone J. R., Bonar M. D., Baring H. W., Cantu M. A., Cordero Z. C. (2019). In situ observations of cracking in constrained sintering. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102, 602-610. (Invited for special issue on sintering science; JACerS Best Paper of 2018) link
[13] Ward A. A., Zhang Y., Cordero Z. C. (2018). Junction growth in ultrasonic spot welding and ultrasonic additive manufacturing. Acta Materialia, 158, 393-406. link
[12] Moustafa A. R., Dinwiddie R. B., Pawlowski A. E., Splitter D. A., Shyam A., Cordero Z. C. (2018). Mesostructure and porosity effects on the thermal conductivity of additively manufactured interpenetrating phase composites. Additive Manufacturing, 22, 223-229. link
[11] Ware L. G., Suzuki D. H., Wicker K. R., Cordero Z. C. (2018). Grain boundary plane manipulation in directionally solidified bicrystals and tricrystals. Scripta Materialia, 152, 98-101. link
[10] Ward A. A., French M. R., Leonard D. N., Cordero Z. C. (2018). Grain growth during ultrasonic welding of nanocrystalline alloys. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 254, 373-382. link
[9] Pawlowski A. E.*, Cordero Z. C.*, French M. R., Muth T. R., Carver J. K., Dinwiddie R. B., Elliott A. M., Shyam A., Splitter D. A. (2017). Damage-tolerant metallic composites via melt infiltration of additively manufactured preforms. Materials & Design, 127, 346-351. link
* = Authors contributed equally
[8] Cordero Z. C., Siddel D. H., Peter W. H., & Elliott A. M. (2017). Strengthening of ferrous binder jet 3D printed components through bronze infiltration. Additive Manufacturing. 15, 87-92. link
[7] Cordero Z. C., Nandwana P., & Dehoff R. R. (2017). Powder bed charging during electron beam additive manufacturing. Acta Materialia, 124, 437-445. link
[6] Cordero Z. C., Dinwiddie R. B., Immel D., & Dehoff R. R. (2017). Nucleation and growth of chimney pores during electron-beam additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Science, 52, 3429-3435. link
[[5] Cordero Z. C., Knight B. E., & Schuh C. A. (2016). Six decades of the Hall-Petch effect – a survey of grain-size strengthening studies on pure metals. International Materials Reviews, 8, 495-512. link
[4] Cordero Z. C., Carpenter R. R., Schuh C. A., & Schuster B. E. (2016). Sub-scale ballistic testing of an ultrafine grained tungsten alloy into concrete targets. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 91, 1-5. link
[3] Cordero Z. C., & Schuh C. A. (2015). Phase strength effects on chemical mixing in extensively deformed alloys. Acta Materialia, 82, 123-136. link
[2] Huskins E. L., Cordero Z. C., Schuh C. A., & Schuster B. E. (2015). Micropillar compression testing of powders. Journal of Materials Science, 50(21), 7058-7063. link
[1] Cordero Z. C., Huskins E. L., Park M., Livers S., Frary M., Schuster B. E., & Schuh C. A. (2014). Powder-route synthesis and mechanical testing of ultrafine grain tungsten alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45(8), 3609-3618. link